Online Medical Office Administration Training Helped Kendra Get the Healthcare Job She Wanted Before Graduation
When a young mind graduates high school, they tend to explore a variety of options that could help lead them to a successful life; those options vastly including post-secondary education. While most graduates go forth to pursue an academic diploma via college or university in a new town, I was not quite ready to do so. I had so much happening during my first year of graduation that I just did not know where to begin.
Naturally, most people don’t always know what they want to do in life, and often they change their career paths to find the one that will give them true knowledge and happiness.
I was one of those people.
I looked into many different programs, different places to grow an education, and while I didn’t come up short, it just was not what I wanted.
CD-ED Allowed Kendra to Succeed at her Own Pace
At the time that I began my program, I was a few months out of high school and I had gone through a few jobs to keep myself afloat. There were the ones that I enjoyed, and the ones I couldn’t wait to be free of. And it was during one of the jobs that I didn’t thoroughly enjoy that I decided I wanted to start a career of my own; something that I could do and be for years to come.
I like doing things on my own time and at my own pace so I needed to find a line of education that would provide me with that. So after some research and a few phone calls, I decided upon Centre for Distance Education.
The instructors and the classes were absolutely phenomenal! Within minutes of being accepted into the program of my choosing, I was able to ask for help and gain knowledge that is respected within my now line of work. With this program, I used ability and knowledge to get a career I, and my family, are beyond proud of. I hold the highest praise for this institution, the teachers and the program.
I chose the Medical Office Administration program because I wanted something outside the box. And that is exactly what I got. Going into the course, I knew next to nothing about the healthcare field. But following graduation, and experiencing it within the workforce, I exceeded my own expectations. I was able to grasp new information given to me and apply it to my everyday life. Every assignment within this program was something new to me and I couldn’t be more pleased; the assignments were broken down to a level that I could understand, the teachers were quick to respond when I needed a question answered, and the courses that I did within the program, helped me to better understand what my job entails within the healthcare field. I enjoyed my course so much I still go over the textbooks to better help me in the future.
I thoroughly enjoyed the part of the course where I had to study Medical Terminology. The reason being because in my job I have to comprehend why and where a patient is to go throughout our facility and having that medical background allows me to do a better job of directing them to the proper department (especially emergency).
Online Learning Turned into Real-World Opportunity
I was about halfway through my course when I discovered a job opening at my local hospital. The job was for a Clerk III, meaning that what I was going to school for, was being offered to someone with the reasonable education and knowledge to come aboard. I applied immediately and several days later, I received a phone call asking for an interview. Following the interview, I finished a few more assignments and gained a little more information as to what that jobs initially entails. About two weeks later, I got another phone call asking me if I wished to work alongside them and I happily accepted.
I am now employed with Alberta Health Services at my local hospital. I have worked there for several months now, including while I was completing my program, and I absolutely love it. Going into this line of work is by far one of the best decisions I have ever made. Telling people where I work is a huge compliment to me, considering also that I am one of the youngest employees within the facility. As well to have graduated this field with honours and earlier than the required graduation date, proves to me, my family and co-workers, that I am dedicated to what I do, with a passion in doing so.
This program has allowed for me to gain an education at my own pace, my own time and provide any help necessary to achieve my goals. Many people tend to think that going to school online is a difficult and hard commitment to make. While it might not be for everyone, it was certainly the right choice for me.
I encourage everyone to pursue an education that they desire; one that they know without a doubt in their minds that they will be proud of in the end. I followed my instincts in completing my course online and it has given me so many opportunities, with so many more to come. I now have a career I can follow for years, with achievements I can happily say I am proud of.
Without the team at Centre for Distance Education, I might not have pursued this chance. I am beyond grateful for all the time, effort and encouragement that they have given me over the past year and I hope to go as far as I can with the career that I now have.
Best of luck to all students, and I thank everyone once again for all their help! It’s truly been a pleasure!