CD-ED’s Accounting Technician Program Lead to a Career Where Eliza Can Work from Home
Meet CD-ED Alum, Eliza Naz who graduated from the Accounting Technician program. Eliza shares her journey from taking the program to job searching in a pandemic. “I am working as Billing Specialist at Pointclickcare based in Mississauga, Ontario. Working in accounting/finance department, I believe you got to have an analytical mind, attention to details and confidence working with numbers. I am working remotely, working from home in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan. I am blessed enough to have work with this pandemic still crushing people in different aspects of life.
The CD-ED school experience was great. My instructor had always been around when I needed her and whenever I left a voicemail message – for instance I wasn’t able to speak with her because our time difference, Lucille would get back to me as soon as possible.
The materials were helpful and the tests are great to check your understanding of the courses. I liked doing the course at my own pace provided I kept track of it and made sure I had enough time and I even got ahead of the courses as much as I could. Although sometimes I crammed and got nervous when taking the test, LOL, which is normal. But it is a relief passing and you get through it. It is also way of testing yourself how to handle pressure.
Enjoy doing the program and do not hesitate to ask, consult and make one on one with your instructor if you want clarification to understand your course better. Remember that knowledge is power!
In reality, when we apply for work, it is like a pool, with a lot of people who have the same course you got. There are competitions. For me to survive in the pool, I must learn how to swim, and swimming is what I called education. Once you are able to swim, you must work smart not hard. Perform by actions. Always find ways to make your work easier getting the same results.”